The Founders

the founders of hope in the light candles jacob and sahra cooper stand outdoors casually dressed in front of pine trees lovingly holding each other

Hope in the Light is a family business and was started in October 2021.  As many families, theirs went through struggles during these last few years.  The Founders, Jacob and Sahra wanted to be leaders in their home and show their children that anything is possible with motivation and a plan.

The Beginnings

In August 2021, Sahra was taken to the hospital by ambulance for complications of COVID. Part of her stay included the ICU, connected to breathing machines. Jacob began praying for her health, asking God for a business and complete guidance. Sahra was in the hospital for twenty days. Eighteen of these days were under isolation with no visitors.

God simply wasn’t ready to answer all of Jacob’s prayers while Sahra was in the hospital. Though no direct answers came about a business idea, he continued to pray every morning and every night. After about a month of Jacob praying, Sahra finally got to come home with assistance of oxygen equipment.

Hope Is Born

During her early days back at home, she received the vision of the business. She could see placing a special surprise inside of candles to give others hope. Shortly after, Jacob had a dream and God gave him the name, Hope In The Light.

As the Founders, Jacob and Sahra decided as a family that they wanted to make a quality candle. One that would have less toxins; an all-natural product that was better for the planet and your home. They were happy to find a supplier that offered clean scents with essential oils in almost every fragrance. The scents are free of dangerous chemicals, and the wax is a high quality all-natural naked soy.

Each and every candle is melted in their home and hand-poured. When you burn the candle halfway down, you will find a surprise carefully packaged in foil, waiting to spread hope to anyone who opens it. They give each and every candle the attention it needs to produce a great quality product. The beautiful vessel options will enhance your home’s décor, while filling your space with an amazing array of aromas. Their entire family helps run the business: 19 yr. old Arrianna, 14 yr. old Joe, and 9 yr. old Kiara Rose.

A Bright Future

The Founders, Jacob and Sahra love each and every product that they make. They are absolutely sure you will love Hope In The Light Candles too. Both of them feel very blessed to have this second chance at life and share new memories with their family. Jacob and Sahra are thankful that they have been given the opportunity to not just dream, but to take this journey.